www.repsuk.org - REPs

REPs Code of Ethics and Conduct for Exercise Professionals

Upholding Ethical Standards and Professionalism in Fitness


At The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs), our mission is to ensure that exercise professionals registered with us maintain the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct when providing fitness instruction services. To achieve this, we expect you to adhere to our Code of Ethics and Conduct.

We understand that physical activity and exercise can have a positive impact on individuals, promoting physical, mental, personal, social, and emotional development. As an informed, dedicated, and educated exercise professional, you can contribute to this development by operating within an acceptable ethical and professional framework.

The Code of Ethics and Conduct consists of five key principles:

  1. Rights
  2. Relationships
  3. Personal responsibilities
  4. Professional standards
  5. Safe working practice

Roles and Responsibilities

As an exercise professional, your role is to:

  • Identify and meet the needs of individuals
  • Improve performance or fitness through safe, effective, and enjoyable exercise programmes
  • Create a motivating environment that encourages participation and improvement in performance or fitness
  • Act with integrity and respect
  • Maintain and develop your personal competence

This Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code) defines good practice for you as a professional in the fitness industry, reflecting the core values of rights, relationships, responsibilities, standards, and safety. Whether you hold a paid position, are employed, or self-employed, the Code applies to you.

If you are an employed exercise professional, we acknowledge that you may be subject to the codes of practice and employment rules of your employer(s). In considering how to comply with our Code, you should carefully regard the rules of your employer(s). In the event of a complaint, any internal investigation by your employer(s) will be taken into account, and the complaint will be referred to them.

As an exercise professional registered with REPs, you agree to accept your responsibility to:

  • Individuals participating in exercise
  • Other exercise professionals and colleagues
  • Fitness associations, professional bodies, and institutes of which you are a member
  • Your employer(s)
  • Society

When practising as an exercise professional, you must also hold adequate liability insurance.

Principle 1: Rights

As an exercise professional, you should treat your clients openly and transparently, always adopting the highest degree of professionalism when addressing their needs. It is essential to maintain a standard of professional conduct appropriate for dealing with all client groups and demonstrate:

  • Respect for individual differences and diversity
  • Active engagement in challenging discrimination and unfairness
  • Discretion in handling confidential client information

As a REPs-registered professional, ensure your contractual arrangements with clients are clear and transparent. While REPs cannot adjudicate or handle private contractual disputes, we strive to ensure that our exercise professionals have appropriate regard for addressing concerns raised by their clients.

If a dispute arises between you and a member of the public concerning your role as an exercise professional, you should initially try to resolve the dispute between yourselves. REPs does not have the jurisdiction to resolve such disputes.

Principle 2: Relationships

As an exercise professional, you should cultivate healthy relationships with your clients and other health professionals. Your relationships with clients should be based on openness, honesty, mutual trust, and respect, and you should responsibly demonstrate:

  • Awareness of the need to prioritise clients' needs and promote their welfare and best interests when planning training programmes
  • Clarity in all forms of communication with clients, professional colleagues, and medical practitioners, ensuring honesty, accuracy, and cooperation when seeking agreements, avoiding misrepresentation or conflicts of interest
  • Fitness associations, professional bodies, and institutes of which you are a member
  • Integrity as an exercise professional and recognition of the position of trust this role entails

Principle 3: Personal Responsibilities

As an exercise professional, you should demonstrate and promote responsible lifestyle choices and professional conduct. Your conduct and personal behaviour should be appropriate at all times, and you should responsibly demonstrate:

  • A high standard of professional conduct suitable for dealing with all client groups, meeting the image and expectations we aim to maintain for the role of an exercise professional in the fitness industry
  • An understanding of your legal responsibilities and accountability when dealing with the public, and awareness of the need for honesty and accuracy when promoting your services
  • A duty of care to be aware of your working environment and ability to address all reasonably foreseeable accidents and emergencies, protecting yourself, your colleagues, and your clients
  • Being a positive role model, maintaining control, respect, and dignity for all involved in your profession
  • Exemplifying health and well-being, delivering effective sessions to your clients

Principle 4: Professional Standards

As an exercise professional, you should strive to achieve the highest level of professional standards in your work and career development. Commit to ongoing training and attaining appropriate qualifications as an exercise professional, demonstrating:

  • Active engagement in updating your knowledge and improving your professional skills to ensure your service is consistently of high quality
  • Willingness to accept responsibility and accountability for your professional decisions and actions
  • Welcoming evaluation of your work and recognising the need to refer to another professional specialist when appropriate
  • Being a positive role model, maintaining control, respect, and dignity for all involved in your profession
  • Personal responsibility for maintaining your effectiveness and practising activities for which your training and competence are recognised by REPs

Principle 5: Safe Working Practice

As an exercise professional, you should thoroughly prepare for all activities, prioritising the safety of your clients. Maintain a safe exercise environment for all clients at all times, demonstrating:

  • A responsible attitude towards the care and safety of clients within the training environment and in planned activities, ensuring both are appropriate to their needs
  • An appropriate ratio of instructors to clients in group sessions to guarantee client safety at all times
  • Systematic preparation of clients for activities in terms of safety, including the safe use of equipment


As an exercise professional, you should proactively champion ethical behaviour. Our Code defines good practice for you as a professional in the fitness industry, reflecting the core values of rights, relationships, responsibilities, standards, and safety. It will support you in recognising and resolving ethical issues and conflicts and sets out the key principles you should adhere to, ensuring an ethical and professional approach to your work.

Ethical reflection is an essential part of everyday practice. Our Code cannot encompass all the answers to the ethical issues you will face as an exercise professional. Some actions that constitute a breach of the Code will be more clearly distinguishable than others. In all cases, you should conduct a process of careful reflection, reasoning, and consultation with others, as well as consulting further detailed guidance on key areas of practice.

However, a Code alone is of limited value. We have designed it to be a guidance and benchmarking document only. To genuinely impact practice and behaviour, this Code should be:

  • Incorporated into wider constitutions, governance, and employment documents
  • Incorporated into education and development programmes and processes
  • Assessed as part of any accreditation process
  • Part of the policy and procedure for dealing with allegations and complaints
  • Used as the benchmark of good practice in determining the need for sanctions
  • Supported by appropriate training and resources


The REPs Code of Ethics and Conduct serves as a foundation for maintaining high ethical standards and professionalism within the fitness industry. As an exercise professional registered with REPs, it is your responsibility to adhere to these principles and guidelines, ensuring the safety, well-being, and satisfaction of your clients while fostering positive relationships with colleagues and other professionals in the field.

Remember that the Code is a living document, meant to evolve alongside the ever-changing landscape of the fitness industry. Regularly review and reflect on the Code's principles to ensure that you are always up-to-date and able to address emerging ethical challenges.

By embracing the REPs Code of Ethics and Conduct, you not only enhance your own professional credibility and reputation but also contribute to elevating the overall standards of the fitness industry. This, in turn, leads to a more trustworthy and respected profession, benefiting both exercise professionals and clients alike.

In summary, as a REPs registered exercise professional, always strive to:

  • Prioritise the rights, well-being, and safety of your clients
  • Foster open, honest, and respectful relationships with clients, colleagues, and other professionals
  • Uphold your personal responsibilities and demonstrate a healthy lifestyle and professional conduct
  • Continuously improve and maintain your professional standards, seeking ongoing training and development
  • Establish and adhere to safe working practices in all aspects of your work
  • Reflect on and incorporate the Code of Ethics and Conduct in your daily practice, adapting to new ethical challenges and ensuring the highest level of professionalism in the fitness industry